Reclining Nude Redhead
A Sculpture or a Cityscape???

Project Details
Dimensions (cm): 18.5 x 15 x 38 (w x h x d)
Weight: 0.9kg (wooden maquette)
Date: 1997
Reclining Nude Redhead
With the idea of using the Ballhead Series as my signature, this is another work I have made using blocks of wood to build a contemporary reclining nude and, once again, thinking of an edition of 8 with different coloured heads as I described in the text about The Lost Planet.
I really do want to enlarge these works and make a statement with them. I haven’t decided whether to cast this in bronze or to use another material, perhaps some form of stone, marble or granite.
A number of critics have said they are my best and most interesting works but I have done little to promote them and perhaps now is the time…
Some years ago, I had the wooden block replicated in polystyrene and sent them to China. I received the blocks back as hand cut granite blocks, but they were not cut accurately enough and it didn’t do it for me.
That work is at home by one of our ponds keeping the frogs and newts company!
What say you about this sculpture actually being the initial model for a cityscape? Perhaps a new city in China?
One can dream but sometimes dreams can come true ………………………………..

Reclining Nude Redhead